The Jansen Walking Robot
Authors: Maul Haque*, Akash Nandi, Arun Kumar Nandi
Affiliation: Mechanical Engineering Department, Elitte College of Engineering, Sodepur, West Bengal, India
Information: Journal of Intelligent Mechanics and Automation. April 2022 Vol.1, No.1, pp 32-39
Abstract:The main purpose of this project is to make a versatile robot that can run-over any solid surfaces no matter the condition of surface. We are archiving this benefit by using Theo Jansen Mechanism. This is popular among legged robotics researchers due to its scalable design, energy efficiency, and low payload to machine load ratio, bio-inspired locomotion, and deterministic foot trajectory among others. It is an eight-legged robot which can walk in wet and dry soil, sand, any type of slope (up to 45o) and also climb stairs. It is using simple mechanism to overcome obstacles, which height is below the maximum height of the leg path by our Theo robot. This mechanism is able to carry loads without any high forces applied to it. By including IOT to our project, we can archive more.
Keywords:The Jansen walking Robot; Walking Mechanism; Jansen Mechanism; Stair Climb
Cite This Article:Haque M., Nandi A., etc. (2022). The Jansen Walking Robot.Journal of Intelligent Mechanics and Automation, Vol.1, No.1, pp 32-39