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Sustainable Logistics: Strategies for Reducing Carbon Footprint in Supply Chains

Authors:Qinghai Wang
Affiliation:Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Information: Received: September 15, 2024 / Accepted: September 22, 2024 / Published: October 5, 2024
Abstract:As global awareness of climate change intensifiessustainable logistics has emerged as a critical area for businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. This paper examines the various strategies that organizations can implement to enhance sustainability within their supply chains. It reviews the role of technologygreen transportation practiceswaste managementand supplier collaboration in fostering sustainable logistics. By analyzing case studies and current literaturethis paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how companies can adopt sustainable practices to achieve both economic and environmental benefits.
Keywords:Sustainable Logistics; Carbon Footprint; Supply Chain Management; Green Transportation; Waste Manage
Cite This Article:Wang Q. Sustainable Logistics: Strategies for Reducing Carbon Footprint in Supply Chains. Journal of History, Culture and Humanities. 2024, 3(5): 81-88.