Journal of Intelligent Computing and MathematicsOpen Access

Journal of Intelligent Computing and Mathematics[JICM] is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all related areas. All papers published will be open access to all readers. To build a platform for scientific research and academic exchange for scholars, focusing on the development and research, introducing worldwide research, theory and practice, and promoting international exchanges.

ISSN: N/A (Print)
Frequency: Bimonthly
ISSN: 2771-9952 (Online)
Email: /
Indexing and Abstracting:Google Scholar; CrossRef; ResearchBib; WorldCat; CiteFactor

Please visit "Information" page to download the Template to edit your manuscript before submitting via the online system.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” rule for the manuscript pages. For different types of papers, please follow appropriate length.

Abstract The abstract is not part of the text and should be complete in itself; no table numbers, figure numbers, references or displayed mathematical expressions should be included. Please follow these instructions to edit your paper before submitting. This guideline is to guide and assist authors before submitting their manuscripts. This template has been tailored for output on the A4 paper size. It should be suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services and should not normally be 200-400 words in a single paragraph.
Keywords Keyword one; Keyword two; Keyword three; Keyword four

This template includes specific instructions for the papers submitted to the journal. This template has been tailored for output on the A4 paper size. Authors are encouraged to use the Microsoft Word template when preparing the final version of their manuscripts. The font of the whole paper should be Cambria.

Subtitle level one: main body

Subtitle level two: paper
The paper should be written in English, and should be composed of title, author(s), abstract, keywords, introduction, main body (such as Literature Review , Methodology, Analyze, Result, etc.), conclusions, acknowledgement, references, and appendix. Paper size is US Letter (8.5” × 11” or 21.59 cm × 27.94 cm). All margins-top to 3.5 cm, bottom to 2.54cm, left, and right-are set to 1.91 cm). The paper must be single column, single spaced. The font should be formatted in Cambria, 11 pt., except for subtitles, special symbols and mathematical equations.

Subtitle level two: title
The title should be no more than 25 words. The title should not include punctuation in the end, such as the point or question mark.

Subtitle level three: abstract
The abstract should give readers concise information about the content of the article and indicate the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. It should be suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services and should be 200-400 words in a single paragraph.

Subtitle level three: keywords
There should be 3-8 keywords in the paper with the first letter capitally and divided by semicolon: “;”.

Subtitle level three: subtitles
There should be no more than 3 level subtitles in the article. Sections and all subtitles in the article should not be numbered.
The subtitle in level one should be 14 pt in bold, the subtitle in level two should be 11 pt in bold and the subtitle in level three should be 11 pt in bold and italic.

The figures should be clear and they should be numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc. There should be annotations behind each figure as following:
Figures should be clear and in proper size, and also, without any other language except English on it. Each figure should be mentioned in the text.

The formulas should be clear and editable. They should be numbered as following:

The tables should be clear and editable. All tables should be numbered by Arabic numbers like Table1, Table 2, Table 3. etc. Each table should be mentioned in the text. There should be annotations above each table as following:

This part makes a brief summary of the whole paper. Usually, there should be one paragraph in this part. The references are numbered sequentially throughout the text, by [1], [2],[3], etc. Please use reference format as below.

The fund information should be included in this part. And the Acknowledgments are usually put in the end of the paper, between the reference and the content.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors should indicate about any conflict of interest in published papers, including the research funding, direct or indirect financial support, or any other assistance. Please make sure there is no conflict of interest.

1.BOOKS. Author Surname, First Name Initials. Chapter title. Paper title. Publisher Location: Publisher. Year Published, page number.
2.JOURNAL PAPERS. Author Surname, First Name Initials. Title. Journal Full Name, Year Published, Vol. number(Issue number), page number. DOI link
3.WEBSITE METERIALS. Author Surname, First Name Initials.  Title. URL link. Year-month-date published.
4.GRADUATE PAPERS. Author Surname, First Name Initials. Title (Level). Institution Name, Location. Year Published. Page number
5.Please note: the capital letters such as BOOKS, JOURNAL PAPERS, are as reminders only, please do not include them into the reference part.