Advanced Journal of EngineeringOpen Access

Advanced Journal of Engineering[AJE] is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all related areas. All papers published will be open access to all readers. To build a platform for scientific research and academic exchange for scholars, focusing on the development and research, introducing worldwide research, theory and practice, and promoting international exchanges.

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2024 Volume 3 - 2024 Vol.3 No.1

Rehabilitation of Large, Old Residential Building in Densely Populated Urban Area: A Case StudyOpen Access

Authors:Sudip Basack
Affiliation:Civil Engineering and Principal, Elitte College of Engineering, Affiliated: Maka University of Technology, Kolkata 700113, India
Information:Received: May 29 2023 / Accepted: September 7, 2023 / Published: February 28, 2024
Abstract:Densely Populated Urban Residential Regions Are Often Characterized By Irregular Planning Of Buildings And Structures, Which Can Result In Close Spacing, Inadequate Environmental Friendliness, And Insufficient Public Utility Services. Such Adverse Situations Are Prevalent In Several Old Cities In In… more >>

Community-Based Post-Earthquake Housing Re-Construction Using Building Ruins: A Case Study of Bantul, IndonesiaOpen Access

Authors:Peerzadi Arzeena Imtiyaz
Affiliation:Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
Abstract:A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Bantul, Indonesia on May 26, 2006, causing immense loss of life and property. Approximately 37,927 people were seriously injured, 5,716 human lives were lost, around 156,664 houses were destroyed, and 202,032 were damaged. The total estimated loss during the Bantul … more >>