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Application of Simple Freight Ropeways in Power Transmission and Transformation Projects

Authors:Wen-Chuan Jing, Gang Li, Tao-Hu Wang
Affiliation:Sichuan Electric Power Transmission and Transformation Construction Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610051, China
Information:Publication Date: June 28, 2024
Abstract:Simple freight ropeway is highly adaptable to complex mountain environments and can overcome terrain obstacles such as crossing mountains and rivers. The simple freight ropeway has become a research hotspot for the construction of power transmission lines with high efficiency, economy and environmental protection. This paper analyzes and summarizes the freight ropeway configuration, ropeway design and ropeway construction. The existing freight ropeways have defects, the challenges they face are summarized, and the outlook for freight ropeways is presented.
Keywords:Mountain transportation; Freight tramway; Power transmission and transformation projects
Cite This Article:Jing W.C., Li G., Wang T.H. (2024). Application of Simple Freight Ropeways in Power Transmission and Transformation Projects. Journal of Intelligent Computing and Mathematics, Vol.3, No.3. pp 136-145.