Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

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Research on Intercultural Teaching Model in College English Teaching

Authors:Jianglian Zhao
Affiliation:School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan, 451100, China
Information:Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. Feburary 2022 Vol.1, No.1, pp17-19
Abstract:Along with the rapid development of the socialist modernization, intercultural communication has become a symbol in the age of global integration, for the inevitable trend of social development, language is a reflection of national culture, study the differences in value orientation and thinking under different cultural background, the transmission of ethnic after years of precipitation and different language structure, cultural differences, communication mode, etc., In college foreign language teaching, it is very important for teachers to guide students to understand the culture of different languages.
Keywords:College English teaching; Intercultural teaching; Teaching mode
Cite This Article:Zhao J. L. (2022). Research on Intercultural Teaching Model in College English Teaching. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, Vol.1, No.1, pp 17-19