Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

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Exploration on the Teaching of Experimental Design in Applied Universities

Authors: Liyan Pan
Affiliation:School of Business and Economics, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai, China
Information:Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.44-49
Abstract:Experimental Design is a major compulsory course for Economic Statistics and other majors, and it is an important applied technology subject. This paper explore teaching by analyzing the practical problems existing in the course, emphasizing the teaching content optimization, strengthening real case teaching, paying attention to the cultivation of application ability and establishing diversified assessment system on teaching reform, in order to further elevate the teaching quality, strengthen the consciousness of students experimental design and data analysis, improve students' ability of optimizing research experiment scheme, scientifically analyzing and processing data as well as solving practical problems.
Keywords:Experiment design; Data analysis; Teaching exploration
Cite This Article:Pan L.Y. (2022). Exploration on the Teaching of Experimental Design in Applied Universities.Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.44-49