Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

Education Theory: Teaching and Learning (ETTL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original, high-quality research across all areas related to education theory, teaching, and learning. The journal provides open-access content for a global readership, aiming to foster scientific research and academic exchange among scholars. ETTL focuses on advancing the development of educational theory and practice, highlighting innovative research from around the world, and promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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The Impact of MOOC on Physical Education in Chinese Universities From the Perspective of Epidemic Situation

Authors: Zhao-ning Li
Affiliation: College of Physical Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Information: Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.88-90
Abstract: Due to the continuous impact of the new corona virus epidemic, online courses are widely carried out in colleges and universities in China. As a product of the information age, MOOC has made significant contributions to the implementation of physical education in China in this special period. By using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper discusses the current situation of MOOC under the epidemic situation and its influence on physical education in colleges and universities in China. The results show that sports MOOC has a positive impact on the cultivation of college students ' lifelong sports consciousness, teaching resources and the modern educational technology level of college physical education teachers.
Keywords:Epidemic situation; MOOC; Physical education; Impact
Cite This Article:Li Z.N. (2022). The Impact of MOOC on Physical Education in Chinese Universities From the Perspective of Epidemic Situation. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.88-90