Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

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Exploring Deep Learning of English Vocabulary Acquisition in a Mobile Learning Environment

Authors:Jing-shu Guo
Affiliation: Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushy University, Japan
Information: Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.132-134
Abstract: With the continuous development and extension of mobile learning technology, English vocabulary learning has become more extensive, personalized and communicative with the support of the mobile learning environment; at the same time, the creation of this environment has gradually become one of the important ways to learn English vocabulary. However, there are two sides to everything, and mobile learning is no exception. In the learning process, we find that English vocabulary learning becomes more fragmented in the mobile learning environment, and the relevant information is not effectively accessed by learners, lacking some deep learning thinking skills. Deep learning in education is a way of learning that aims to construct more meaningful learning, to understand, generalize, master and apply on the basis of memory, to critically accept and learn new knowledge in conjunction with pre-existing knowledge structures, to establish interconnections between knowledge, and through analysis, to make decisions and solve problems through learning. Based on the research on English vocabulary learning in mobile learning environment, this paper makes corresponding elaborations and suggestions on the problems and effective strategies for deep English vocabulary learning in mobile environment in order to improve learners' efficiency in English vocabulary learning, enhance the depth of learning and improve the thinking ability of learning.
Keywords:English Lexicon; Deep Learning; Mobile Learning; Teaching English as a Foreign Language; MALL
Cite This Article:Guo J.S. (2022). Exploring Deep Learning of English Vocabulary Acquisition in a Mobile Learning Environment. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, June 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp.132-134.