Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

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The Age of Intelligence: Construction and Implementation of College Teachers Digital Literacy Framework

Authors:Li-chao Guo
Affiliation:College of Education Science, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China
Information:Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, December 2022 Vol.1, No.6, pp.158-164
Abstract:With the further development of educational information technology, digital technology plays a more and more important role in modern classroom. in addition, with the outbreak of COVID- 19, The implementation of online teaching in multiple locations across the country has put forward higher requirements for teachers' digital literacy. After deeply interpreting the specific concept of digital literacy, further exploring the connotation of digital literacy and understanding a large number of related literature research, this paper constructs the framework of digital literacy of university teachers in the digital intelligence era, which is divided into three dimensions. Thirteen basic elements. According to the previous article, this paper puts forward the implementation path of three aspects of university teachers' digital literacy framework, namely, to build a perfect university teachers' professional training system to improve teachers' basic digital literacy; cultivate university teachers' concept of technological integration and enhance peer cooperation and communication to improve their own digital teaching ability; develop diversified digital literacy promotion and evaluation tools to help teachers' digital learning.
Keywords:The age of intelligence; Teachers; Digital literacy
Cite This Article:Guo L.C. (2022). The Age of Intelligence: Construction and Implementation of College Teachers Digital Literacy Framework. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning, December 2022 Vol.1, No.6, pp.158-164.