Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

Education Theory: Teaching and Learning (ETTL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original, high-quality research across all areas related to education theory, teaching, and learning. The journal provides open-access content for a global readership, aiming to foster scientific research and academic exchange among scholars. ETTL focuses on advancing the development of educational theory and practice, highlighting innovative research from around the world, and promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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Role of Robotics and Automation in Construction Sector

Authors:Rakesh Kumar
Affiliation:Department of Mechanical Engineering, Elitte College of Engineering, Kolkata, India
Information:Received: October 25 2023 / Accepted: November 10 2023 / Published: February 25, 2024
Abstract:Construction is one of the major industries in the world. The construction industry is labor-intensive and performed in hazardous situations. Hence, the importance of Construction robots has developed rapidly. The research discovers the latest advances in robotics and sensor-based technologies that are leading developments in the construction sector to attain improvements in construction quality, efficiency, and safety. Although automation in construction was first introduced in the year 1980. It has seen little advancement in the level of application. The present study attempts to identify the recent developments in automated robotic systems and their scope in the construction sectors, namely with respect to construction robots. The application of robotic technologies in the construction industry has been known as one of the most challenging tasks. Automation in the construction industry can help to ensure production without compromising the quality of the construction products. This may be due to the fact that workers can become tired over time
Keywords:Robot; Automation; Construction; Technology; Building
Cite This Article:Kumar R. Role of Robotics and Automation in Construction Sector. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. 2024,3(1):6-14.