Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

Education Theory: Teaching and Learning (ETTL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original, high-quality research across all areas related to education theory, teaching, and learning. The journal provides open-access content for a global readership, aiming to foster scientific research and academic exchange among scholars. ETTL focuses on advancing the development of educational theory and practice, highlighting innovative research from around the world, and promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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Design and Implementation of Educational Games: Enhancing Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes

Authors:Tao Chen
Affiliation:Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, China
Information:Received: July 15, 2024 / Accepted: July 26, 2024 / Published: July 29, 2024
Abstract:Educational games have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing student motivation and learning outcomes. This paper explores the principles of effective game design in education, discusses the implementation strategies of educational games in various learning environments, and examines the impact of these games on student engagement and academic achievement. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, the findings highlight the potential of educational games to create interactive and engaging learning experiences, thereby fostering deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.
Keywords:Educational games; Student motivation; Learning outcomes; Academic achievement
Cite This Article:Chen T. Design and Implementation of Educational Games: Enhancing Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. 2024,3(4):83-91.