Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

Education Theory: Teaching and Learning (ETTL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original, high-quality research across all areas related to education theory, teaching, and learning. The journal provides open-access content for a global readership, aiming to foster scientific research and academic exchange among scholars. ETTL focuses on advancing the development of educational theory and practice, highlighting innovative research from around the world, and promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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Inclusive Education: Strategies for Supporting Diverse Learners in Higher Education

Authors:Jing Liu
Affiliation:Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Information:Received: August 15, 2024 / Accepted: August 20, 2024 / Published: August 27, 2024
Abstract:Inclusive education in higher education has become a critical focus as student populations grow increasingly diverse. This essay explores strategies for supporting diverse learners, emphasizing the importance of fostering an inclusive learning environment, implementing inclusive teaching practices, and addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities and those facing language barriers. Additionally, the essay highlights the role of cultural awareness and sensitivity in promoting inclusion and the necessity of providing both academic and mental health support. By examining these key areas, the essay argues that higher education institutions must adopt comprehensive approaches to inclusivity that accommodate the diverse needs of their student body. Ensuring equitable access and fostering a sense of belonging are vital for promoting student success and creating a more inclusive academic community.
Keywords:Inclusive education; Higher education; Diverse learners; Universal Design for Learning; Cultural awa
Cite This Article:Liu J. Inclusive Education: Strategies for Supporting Diverse Learners in Higher Education. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. 2024,3(4):101-111.