Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

Education Theory: Teaching and Learning (ETTL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original, high-quality research across all areas related to education theory, teaching, and learning. The journal provides open-access content for a global readership, aiming to foster scientific research and academic exchange among scholars. ETTL focuses on advancing the development of educational theory and practice, highlighting innovative research from around the world, and promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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The Relationship Between Students' Digital Competence and Self-Efficacy: Implications for Educational Practices

Authors:Hua Yang and Yun-Yi Lin
Affiliation:Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China
Information:Received: October 2, 2024 / Accepted: October 8, 2024 / Published: October 22, 2024
Abstract:In the digital age, students' ability to effectively use technology—termed digital competence—has become essential for academic success and lifelong learning. Concurrently, self-efficacy, or individuals' belief in their capabilities to execute tasks, plays a crucial role in determining their engagement and performance. This paper explores the relationship between students' digital competence and their self-efficacy, examining how these factors influence one another and their implications for educational practices. By analyzing relevant literature and empirical studies, the paper aims to provide insights into how educators can foster both digital skills and self-efficacy among students.
Keywords:Vocational Education; STEAM Education; Educational Practices
Cite This Article:Yang H and Lin Y.Y. The Relationship Between Students' Digital Competence and Self-Efficacy: Implications for Educational Practices. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. 2024,3(5):130-141.